The new €5 banknote has been successfully issued on May 2013, and you have contributed
quite intensively to the success of this launch and the related information campaign. Thanks a lot for all your dedication and enthusiasm! We look forward to continue our successful collaboration on this major project which is seeking to strengthen European integration.
Christine C. Graeff, Director General Communications, Europäische Zentralbank
Thank you, Carlos and the team for excellent filming and TelePrompter work for Fridays' Google Cloud client and their Deutsche Börse customer. We appreciate all your efforts!
The shots are excellent and the BRoll, perfect. When the video is ultimately posted by client - we'll be sure to share a link. In the meantime, thanks again for your terrific work and talent. A pleasure working with you and Carlos and look forward to more opportunities, in the future.
Ilo Orleans, Regisseur, Fridays Film Productions, San Francisco
Thank you very much for helping us out at such short notice with that Christine Lagarde exclusive interview we had at the European Central Bank yesterday. You guys were brilliant. And we are grateful, as always, for your professionalism. Nice work.
Andrew Moodie, Operations, CNBC EMEA
Unsere neue Produktgeneration haben wir unseren Geschäftspartnern in Deutschland und Österreich erstmals live aus einem Filmstudio präsentiert – dank WESTEND TV mit sehr großem Erfolg. Das Team überzeugte uns mit höchster Professionalität, Erfahrung und Kundenorientierung, so dass wir unser Projekt vom ersten Briefinggespräch an in besten Händen wussten.
Christian Nuschele, Head of Distribution Germany & Austria, Standard Life Deutschland
CNBC UK Ltd. has enjoyed a successful relationship with WESTEND specifically with regards to our collaborations covering ECB events. We have also been able to access & broadcast the live feed of the ECB press conferences directly from WESTEND. This has proven to be a very reliable source for what is a vital part of our coverage. We would not hesitate to employ or recommend WESTEND for any upcoming work in Germany.
Murray Drummond, Satellite Operations Manager, CNBC
Gerade in unserem digitalen Zeitalter sind wir als Hersteller auf Online-Inhalte jeder Art angewiesen. Videos und Animationen helfen, den Kunden unsere Produkte anschaulich zu machen, auch ohne dass sie in den Shops vor diesem stehen. Dank Robert und seinem Team von WESTEND konnten wir auch in einem herausfordernden Jahr 2020 wichtige Inhalte auf höchster Qualität produzieren lassen und unsere Produkte ins beste Licht rücken. Danke dafür!
Felix Hens, Communication and Events Manager, Coleman EMEA
I would like to congratulate you for the excellent work done and personally for the great team that you built at WESTEND TV. I would be so happy if you could send a word of thanks on my behalf and on behalf of the EBCC team to all the ones who contributed to the successful work done.
Olivier Radelet, Principal Project Manager, European Central Bank